200 YTT – Day 6 – Walking Meditation

Kapilina Beach was my distraction today. Believe or not during a walking meditation you should only be focused on your breath and your step. So it was challenging to walk along the shoreline and not notice the ocean washing over my feet. The sand was like a foot massage so that slowly helped me to just focus on my step and enjoying the step. Looking down on my feet and breathing brought me to a meditative state but I was cautious about my timing (15 minutes). This was the fastest 15 minutes of all the meditative practices we did this week. 

The rest YTT today was open for modification because I wanted to take care of body especially my runners knee. By mid-practice I realized my knee was calm and relaxed. It could’ve been the ibuprofen that assisted but I like to think that I breathed into my knee and exhaled all the bad stuff. I’m expecting future uncomfortable joint and muscles but I’ll try not to get all wrapped up in it. The important thing, and it should be most important to everyone, is that we take care of our body. Realize what makes you stronger. Realize what’s makes you a less stronger. Continue making those realizations and you can love yourself. If you love yourself then you can love others. 

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